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Accelerate Your Shipping Success with Our Exclusive Small Business Concierge
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Accelerate Your Shipping Success with Our Exclusive Small Business Concierge

So you're ready to ship internationally—congratulations! There's nothing like the feeling of expanding your business and reaching new customers worldwide. But navigating international shipping can be daunting, especially for small businesses.

Enter DHL Exclusive Small Business Concierge, a first-class shipping experience specifically tailored to the needs of small businesses. Our concierge service is designed to make international shipping easy and stress-free so you can focus on what you do best – growing.

Your first 60 days–it's not just business; it's personal, too

When you create a shipping account with DHL, for the first 60 days, you're part of our Exclusive Small Business Concierge service. It's like having a shipping expert at your fingertips, ready to help you navigate the world of cross border shipping, account setup, and tips and tricks so your package can go around the world, reaching its destination, worry-free.

In the weeks that follow, our concierge will be available to help guide you through:

●      Proactive Monitoring: Ensure your first shipment arrives at its destination on time.

●      E-Billing Setup: Help you facilitate the setup of your billing information online.

●      Customs Declaration: Offer insights into customs requirements, commercial invoices, and shipping practices essential for international shipping.

●      Ongoing Assistance: Order supplies, set up a regular pickup, or support with any shipping-related questions or concerns.

Going and growing global with DHL

The Exclusive Small Business Concierge by DHL supports small business growth and success. Our goal is simple: we provide entrepreneurs, like you with the insights, support, and tools needed for a smooth transition into the global market.

Ready to go global? Get in touch today!

Banker Turned Trendsetter - The empowering story behind the founder of Threads.
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Banker Turned Trendsetter - The empowering story behind the founder of Threads.

Xenia started her career as an investment banker. But when she was sick of wearing uncomfortable, non-durable tights, she pivoted her career to launch Threads – a brand that offers high quality, sustainable and affordable tights, and hosiery.

As the world comes together to celebrate International Women's Month, DHL wants to shine a spotlight on extraordinary women who have made remarkable strides in their respective fields. Among them is Xenia Chen, the inspiring founder of Threads and one of the winners of our SME Discover Your Next Contest in 2022. Today, we celebrate Xenia's accomplishments and highlight the innovative impact of Threads in the fashion industry.

How did Threads start?

In 2018, Xenia was working in the financial services industry at the time and would go through a lot of hosiery with work wardrobe. She was getting fed up with the number of tights she was going through in a month, because of rips and pulls in the material. Xenia found that she was either spending $10 at the drugstore for a pair that sucked or spending $60 on a pair that was comfortable and luxurious, but still had some sort of shelf life before it rips or wears out. She noticed her female coworkers were also experiencing the same frustrations when it came to their tights, whether it was about comfort or how much money they were spending. And that’s when Threads was born, the experience motivated her to start doing her own research into the hosiery industry, where she learned there were virtually no companies out there who were making tights with women in mind.

Threads was created to be different in both design and affordability. They work directly with their factory in Italy, where they can cut out the middleman, so women can get luxury tights at the fraction of the price. It was important to Xenia that women had access to affordable and high-quality tights, seeing how they are a fundamental staple to women’s workwear.

Threads’ greatest challenge and success so far in the journey
Like many other small businesses, the most significant challenge (and accomplishment) for Threads was navigating the impact of COVID-19 in 2020. Operating as a young business in an industry reliant on people dressing up, whether for outings or work, posed considerable difficulties. Xenia expresses gratitude that Threads successfully re-strategized on the fly, nurtured existing customers, identified new and unexpected customer groups, launched new products, and ultimately made it through the challenging year with the entire team intact, while also establishing a new business line. A true testament that sometimes, the best ideas can come out of times of incredible challenge. 

Threads' achievements include significant media coverage from outlets such as the Today show, Fashion magazine, and Good Housekeeping. This recognition is attributed, in part, to the company's gender-inclusive policy, making Threads a popular choice within the drag and crossdressing communities, setting it apart from competitors. The brand has further diversified its product line with the introduction of fly-contour tights designed for men. Additionally, Threads has expanded its distribution network, now offering its products not only online but also in small independent clothing shops.

Xenia’s advice for aspiring entrepreneurs

“Just start! If you’ve been dreaming up something for awhile, start working on the idea now. There will never be a “perfect time” to start a business. This doesn’t mean you need to quit your full-time job – just start working on it on the weekends or at night (that’s what I did with Threads for the first year). Taking the first step is often the hardest step but also the most important! Lastly, failure is not the opposite of success: it’s a stepping stone to success.”

Learn more about Xenia and Threads at or on Instagram at

How Milk Jar Became a Philanthropic Company
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How Milk Jar Became a Philanthropic Company

My love for candles began in my early 20s; I’d always loved their beautiful smells that filled my room and their glowing ambiance. I remember I couldn’t wait to move out of my parent’s house and go to University, just so I could finally decorate my own place. The Bohemian style of decor was very popular at the time – crafted candles and earthy smells were a must-have to create a natural and cozy atmosphere. They say that your 20s are about self-discovery. You try out different paths, interests and styles, with every year of getting older also getting to know yourself deeper and closer to your authentic self. It’s our way of finding your life’s purpose – and I found mine through candle making.

In my undergrad, I studied Kinesiology. Early on in my schooling, I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do, but chose the degree based on my interests in sports and healthcare. I come from a family of healthcare professionals, so I always assumed that I’d end up working in that field as well. My parents taught me that a meaningful job is one where you can help others, and that’s what started me on my journey.

By the end of my degree, I had gained a lot of experience in sport therapy, exercise, rehabilitation, biology, etc., but the area that I became most passionate about was adaptations and accommodations for disabled people. I only had one class in my entire four-year degree that taught me about this, but when I took the class, I jumped at the opportunity to do a practicum with the Special Olympics and volunteered to facilitate a pool therapy program for a teen with Cerebral Palsy. That semester, I built a strong bond with the teen and his mother and we decided to keep swimming after my work experience contract was complete.

I was hired to swim once a week for 6-8 months of the year, and sometimes I visited their home to do some on-land therapy and stretching. We did this for 7 years, until he turned 20. Being a part of this family’s life and witnessing their dedication to making sure their son lived a full and rich life was a life-changing experience for me. In all the beautiful moments, I also saw the really hard ones: the exhaustion from medical visits, the back-and-forth for funding support, and the struggles of raising a child with a disability in a world that does not offer equal opportunities. This really opened my eyes to how hard this world can be for people living with disabilities, and their families, and it sparked my desire to find a career where I can help this community.

Milk Jar was not my first attempt at a job with my new-found passion. My original plan was to get my master’s degree in Occupational Therapy. Unfortunately, it was a competitive program and I wasn’t accepted. I was disappointed, but I still wouldn’t have traded those evenings in and out with friends for a few extra days of studying. I’m a strong advocate for living life to its fullest, so I have no regrets – and everything happens for a reason! Enter Milk Jar.

The idea of creating Milk Jar came to me, about four years after finishing school, during a time when I was feeling quite lost. I had worked a couple jobs that I cared very much about, but none of them made me feel like I was making the impact that I knew I was capable of. I was making candles in my home as a way to experiment with soy wax when I learned that burning common paraffin wax candles released carcinogens and soot into the air that could cause respiratory issues and other health concerns.

I mentioned before I loved burning candles and had them in every room in my home. Because of my family and background in Kinesiology, choosing healthy lifestyle options has always been important to me. I could’ve just started purchasing other candles made with natural waxes, but it seemed easy enough to make myself – and more fun! I quickly learned that it wasn’t that easy, but I enjoyed the process of learning how to blend fragrances, vessels, waxes, and wicks. And my favourite piece to candle making? Developing scents that capture a memory, place or feeling.

After a year of making candles and also feeling like I wasn’t connected to the disability community that I cared so much about, I decided in April 2016 that I’d start a business selling my candles that donated a portion of its profits to organizations that were doing amazing work that. I launched Milk Jar that November and reached out to the Canadian Association for Disabled Skiing and offered to donate $1 from the sale of every candle to them that following year.

I was just as terrified as I was excited to launch into entrepreneurship. I had no idea what I was doing, let alone running a business, but I was passionate about creating a company that was more than just Milk Jar. By inserting a philanthropic purpose into Milk Jar from the start, all my nerves about whether it would succeed or fail didn’t matter. It would’ve already been a success even if I donated $50. That first year we donated $2000 to CADS Calgary.

Fast forward to today and Milk Jar has donated over $100,000 to various non-profits including: CADS Calgary, Between Friends, and PaceKids Programs. Last year, we became an inclusive employer, hiring people in our community living with disabilities to help hand craft the products we make. This has fundamentally changed the culture in our company, we experience more joy at work and everyone is more motivated. We are learning from each other everyday. It’s a beautiful atmosphere to be around people that may appear different from us but recognize that we all want similar things in life. Never in my wildest dreams did I think a little home-grown business could raise this much money and touch as many lives as Milk Jar has in 5 years. I finally found my purpose – and it wasn’t something I waited to find me – I created it.

I’ve learned a lot over the years of starting and running this business, and if there is one thing that you take away from reading this, it’s to ask yourself what else? What else does your business do besides its obvious sale of product or service? What does your company stand for value, and contribute to that gets you out of bed on those tough days? And believe me, you will have them. How have you added purpose into your company that you can speak to, are passionate about, and that every member of your team can be proud of?

A business that cares will be your greatest return on investment. Now more than ever, people want to know that their dollars are being spent on companies that care about economic and social sustainability. When you show that your company is more than just the business of sales, you will have lifelong supporters that’ll be dedicated to helping you succeed.

There’s a lot of inequity in this world. Supporting an important cause that elevates your community can come in many forms: donating, volunteering, advocating, befriending, etc., and it feels really good to give your time, energy and/or money to initiatives that need and benefit from it.

I believe it’s our duty to take care of each other and our planet, and it is the way to lead a purposeful life. Owning your own business is a privilege. A privilege that should be used to make this world better for others, not to make ourselves better than others. If we could all experience the same opportunities, access and treatment, then what a beautiful world we would be living in.


About the Author

Holly Singer is a compassionate and inspirational 32-year-old entrepreneur and philanthropist. She grew up in Victoria BC, moved to Calgary for university, and has since built Milk Jar to what it is today in what she now calls home. Holly enjoys relaxing at home with her dog Bowie and plans to do a diving trip in Indonesia sometime in the near future.

Learn more about Holly at or on Instagram at @milkjarcandleco

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How To Use Short Form Video For Your Business
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How To Use Short Form Video For Your Business

In the last few years, video content has exploded on social media, most notably short-form videos, thanks to TikTok, Instagram Reels, YouTube Shorts, and Pinterest Ideas pins. It's left business owners wondering how to get their skin in the game if they want to create that style of content for their business.

So, where do you begin?

My name is Sarah Huguet, and I'm the owner of Social and Stuff, a social media management and consulting agency based in Vancouver, Canada. We help brands and businesses build their community through organic content and custom strategies.

Let's dive into short-form video and how you can utilize it for your brand or business.

1. What is considered short-form video?

Short-form video is anything from 2 seconds to 3 minutes that’s typically filmed vertically; either face-to-camera talking, doing a voice-over, or played to trending music or lip-syncing funny audio.

  • Instagram Reels → up to 60 seconds
  • TikTok → up to 3 minutes
  • YouTube shorts → up to 60 seconds
  • Pinterest idea pins →  ​​up to 60 seconds in length, while you can add up to 20 frames to each Idea series.

Keep in mind that people's attention span is about 7-8 seconds these days. So even though these platforms allow up to a certain amount, the shorter is oftentimes the better when it comes to Reels, TikTok and YouTube shorts.

2. Why is short-form video so popular?

Short-form video has become incredibly popular because it gives people a peek behind the curtain, and it leaves perfectionism at the door. This trend doesn’t appear to be going away, as it has become the norm these days for social media content. In fact, all social platforms have come out to say that video is king and that they are prioritizing supporting it on their platforms.

Today, more than ever, users are craving real authentic connections and less filtered ‘everything is perfect’ content.

3. Where can you post short-form videos?

All the social media companies are joining the short-form video trend and are offering a way for creators to create and post them on their platforms.

On Instagram, it's called Reels. Instagram is a photo and video sharing platform with over 1.3 billion monthly users, and 90% of them follow at least one business. Instagram has turned into the ideal digital office + website to showcase your brand or business and build your community. Users between the ages 18 - 34 make up the most significant share, so if this is your demographic, you’ll want to build a presence on the app.

On TikTok, they are called TikTok's, and it is strictly a video-sharing platform with 1 billion monthly users. You can create short-form vertical video content which is shown to your followers, or it can land on the "for you page" (fyp). What determines if it goes on the fyp? The algorithm serves it up to users based on their previous interactions on the app. You can also go LIVE once you have 1000 followers. The largest age group is 10-19 years, making up a quarter of its users, and 70% is from the ages of 20-49. Plus, 46% of TikTok users engage with content without any distraction, about 10% more than other social platforms.

On Pinterest, they are called Idea Pins. Pinterest is a visual search engine platform where users discover recipes, products, how-tos and much more. It is like a more visually appealing Google. Pinterest has 444 million monthly active users and women make up more than 60% of its global audience. 80% of weekly pinners have discovered a new brand or business; they come to Pinterest to plan, shop and purchase.

On YouTube, short-form videos are called YouTube shorts. YouTube has more than 2 billion monthly users. I go there anytime I need an answer or learn how to do something. YouTube is the number 2 ranked social platform behind Facebook and is a fantastic free tool to showcase your brand or business.

4. What type of videos can you create

Face-to-camera → it’s exactly how it sounds. You pick up your phone, hit record and talk. This type of video is perfect for educational content, speaking your mind, or sharing a motivational, powerful message.

Video clips + photos to trending music → you can piece this together to the beat of the music.

Lip-sync/Audio trend → these are popular on Reels and TikTok. They’re typically filmed face-to-camera lip-syncing lyrics or looking at the camera with text bubbles explaining why you are using that sound.

Bird's eye view → this is very popular in the crafting, artist world. Set your camera up on a tripod and film from a bird’s-eye view and paired it to music or a voice-over explaining the process.

GIFs and Memes → these can be created in 1080 x 1920 mode, add text and pair to music.

Filming outward → this style is perfect for any brand or business that doesn't feel comfortable showing their face. Simply record when you’re out for a walk, doing an activity or anything else you think your audience would be interested in.

Daily vlogs → Exactly as the name implies, you film little clips throughout the day and piece them together against a voice-over. You can shoot, “a day in the life” or capture moments, such as shipping your product from purchase to ship.

Tutorial → This is an opportunity to do a digital walkthrough of your software or one that you use in your business. People love to get quick wins and actionable steps through social media.

5. Should you be creating and posting videos for your business?

Ideally — yes. However, if it is not in the cards, then just being on social media in any form is a must these days. It is the first place consumers go when deciding to buy something, booking a service or visiting your establishment.

Short-form video content is giving brands and businesses huge visibility and reach that is very hard to achieve with static content. Gone are the days of a pretty grid on Instagram with the perfect filter. Now that video is here, it’s highly recommended as a strategy to implement for your business.

If you’re unsure of where to start, considering looking to retaining the services of content creators. They make this style of content for a living, and you can hire them to create content specifically for your brand. You can also hire an agency to fully take over your business’ content creation; and if you are able to build your staff, consider bringing on someone in-house to be your content creator so that you have a steady stream of content.

6. Why are trends important and how do you find them?

If you hop on a trend at the right time, and it goes viral, that could have a huge impact on your business. I always advise brands and companies to have a mix of content types as it’s not pragmatic to rely solely on trends to grow. That said, leveraging a trend to increase your visibility should be part of your content strategy for 2022. Trends come in many ways; it could be a song blowing up, a lip-sync skit that is having a moment, or a viral dance.

It is easy to fall into the scroll hole when finding these trends. And it is tricky, because you don't want to be too late on a trend. A great tip is to find accounts on each platform that post about the trends. Yes, there are creators out there who, on the daily, post things like "trend alerts,” let them do your heavy lifting and monitoring.

The biggest thing is just starting. Yes, your first video; you might not knock it out of the park, but we all get better the more tries we take. It might feel awkward, but it gets easier the more you do it. Plus, you never know who is watching.

We have to remember we are at a time when sharing about your business has never been so accessible. We have the opportunity to create mini commercials right from our phones and publish them out in the world for free. When a user can tell that you are passionate about your business and having fun — it is infectious.


About the Author

Sarah Huguet is the CEO of Social and Stuff, a social media agency specializing in helping businesses create content that sells for YOU. After owning an e-commerce store, she pivoted into social media marketing in 2018, realizing how much she loved creating content and building an online presence. Social and Stuff has worked with over 50 businesses, and Sarah has helped over 200 students learn about Instagram + TikTok through digital courses.

Learn more about Sarah at Social and Stuff or on Instagram at @socialandstuff


  1. 35 Instagram stats that matter to marketers in 2002,
  2. Distribution of TikTok users in the United States as of September 2021, by age group,
  3. Time Well Spent: Users on TikTok stay longer, engage often & feel happier,
  4. Your audience is here,

Levelling Up your Product Photography From Home
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Levelling Up your Product Photography From Home

Photos make a huge impact on your e-commerce store, especially when your reach is beyond the city you live in and in-person retail is limited. When e-commerce photography is done well, it mostly goes unnoticed, but when done poorly, it stands out like a sore thumb.

E-commerce can be intimidating, and you might think you need fancy studio lights and highly technical knowledge to make your products shine, but let’s work with what you have and use some simple settings to get you going and level up your images.

Two things I want to stress about product photography is accuracy and uniformity. When I visit a site, images should be consistent in colour, exposure and cropped correctly. When viewing an item, the customer should receive it exactly as they see it, which is why accuracy in colours and scale is so important.

iPhones are powerful tools, and in some circumstances, you can get by with it to take photos. However, I’d still recommend a camera (whether that’s an old DSLR or a hand-me-down) that lets you have full manual control over settings to make this a bit easier. We’ll stay away from full auto mode here, and I’ll guide you through shooting manually.

The great thing about photography is, regardless of the camera, these principles are transferable among any system. Here are 5 strategies and settings to consider to make your images seamless and help sell your products:

*All images are straight out of camera with no retouching or editing unless stated

1. How to frame your products

Let's say you start with your kit lens included with your camera (generally an 18-55mm), you’ll want to zoom in (closer to 55mm) to avoid distortion and compress your subject. This will more accurately capture the scale of your product and allow you to have a smaller area of background to shoot on. The focus is placed on your subject and avoids any distractions in your space. Here, I’ve taped some white paper up against the wall and on top of a small table for my simple background.

2. When to take advantage of your window for soft, natural light

Take advantage of natural light if you’re not able to invest in studio or off-camera lighting. You’ll want to turn off any lights in your room to avoid colour cast or pollution and put your subject close to a window (no more than 2m away or the fall off from the light will be too dark). This works great on an overcast day, or if you have indirect sunlight. Try using a thin white bed sheet if you have direct sun to diffuse that harsh light.

I would use another piece of paper on the opposite side of the window beside your subject to fill in the shadows created by the single source window. Larger items will present more of a challenge here, so you might have to get creative.

3. How to maximize sharpness

The “f/“ number correlates to the size of the opening in your lens or what is known as the aperture. Lower numbers, like f/2,  denote a larger opening that lets more light into the lens However, this will result in shallower depth of field, such as less things being in focus.

You’ll generally want to use a higher number here (a smaller aperture) to make the opening smaller (try f/5.6, 8, 11) to maximize the sharpness of your product and retain more things in focus.

This will depend on how much light you have to work with as well, so having a tripod setup can be very helpful. It will help to keep everything consistent in the same place for uniformity and help avoid any camera shake from slow shutter speeds.

Using the 2-second timer here helps as well to avoid you pressing the shutter button and inadvertently shaking your camera during the exposure.

Turning on grids if your camera allows it will also help with getting things lined up in camera.

4. Getting the right exposure

I like to err on the side of overexposure. You can use the highlight clipping function or look at the histogram to make sure your background is bright, but you don’t want your product blown out. Alternatively your camera should have a meter in the viewfinder or on the back of the screen in the bottom centre with a “0” in the middle. This lets you know how close to an even exposure you are. If the arrow is to the right, you’re overexposing, and if to the left, you’re under-exposing.

ISO is the sensitivity to light of your camera sensor. Lower numbers, like 100 are generally preferable as you maintain sharper and cleaner images. That said, don’t be afraid to experiment and  increase them as cameras these days can handle noise quite well.  I would avoid too high ISOs, so consider staying below 1600 for the noise. Lower ISOs will produce better quality images. You can see in the above images I chose to use ISO 400, which let me use the ideal settings I was looking for. Since we are at the mercy of whatever the light might be like that day and we may want to use a smaller aperture, our ISO and shutter speed are going to be flexible. This is why having a tripod is helpful for those slow shutter speeds.

5. White balance and colour accuracy

I like to get things as close as possible in camera to avoid more work in post-production later. I would recommend setting your white balance to a fixed preset, ie. daylight to avoid colour shift variations that would occur if you were to leave it in auto and shoot multiple products. Having a grey card to set a custom WB here is preferred, but that’s a little more advanced. You want to have as neutral a WB as possible to avoid your product looking too blue or yellow.

If you do plan on editing your images afterward as well (which I would recommend), shooting on RAW if your camera allows it is necessary for the most information to be there when you do so. If you’re shooting only on jpeg, your images are already being compressed and will lack the latitude needed in post.

6. Iphone tips

Understandably, if all you have access to is an iPhone or smartphone camera, here are a couple of tips to help you out.

  • I would still recommend a tripod in this case for consistency, you’ll usually need a phone holder that can attach to an existing tripod.
  • Overlay grids when shooting in your camera app to keep things straight.
  • Turn your flash off auto and keep it off while shooting products.
  • Use the telephoto lens if your phone has one. (Don’t digitally zoom in)
  • In terms of exposure, my biggest tip is using the autofocus / auto exposure lock while shooting. This is usually done by pressing and holding your finger down on the object you’re focusing on for a short while and it should lock focus and exposure on that one spot. You can slide your finger up and down additionally to brighten or darken the image. I would shoot all my products after setting up that first shot for the greatest consistency.


About the Author

Tyler Hayward is a lifestyle and commercial photographer based out of Toronto, Canada, specializing in portraiture.

Born and raised in the city, Tyler has been telling visual stories in both film and digital for over 10 years. A self-taught photographer inspired by his community and peers, Tyler is keenly focused on education and collaborating with creatives in the city. He has formerly worked as the lead in-house photographer for both Canadian sneaker boutique Livestock and global fine jewelry brand Mejuri.

Learn more about Tyler at or on Instagram at @tilore

Pride Month: A Small Business Supporting Huge Self Expression
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Pride Month: A Small Business Supporting Huge Self Expression


During pride month, it’s important that we acknowledge, educate, and spread awareness of the struggles—both past and present—that the LGBTQ2S+ community faces, while also celebrating the beauty and rich history that this group holds. Today, queer empowerment and “pride” coincides with our freedom of self expression, specifically through our clothing or style. Visibility is integral to the LGBTQ2S+ experience, and I am incredibly honoured that the earrings that I sell through my shop have been embraced by this community.

I draw a lot of inspiration from queer art, whether it be drag, musicians, or other visual artists/makers. The vibrancy and eccentricity of the queer experience is so beautiful, and I try to harness that light with my work. Amid the systemic struggles the LGBTQ2S+ community faces, Pride celebrations show people celebrating, connecting, and spreading happiness and awareness. These extremes—having the grit and tenacity to fight oppression and the loving openness to celebrate our differences joyfully—exist side by side, and both are necessary.


Shop Velanidi is a handmade jewelry business that specializes in creating what we lovingly refer to as “lesbian earrings.” This type of accessory— which I think of as anything wacky or Ms. Frizzle-esque—has gained popularity on social media, as more people feel comfortable expressing their authentic selves. Gone are the days where everyone is forced into one boring box in terms of style and interests.

After my grandfather passed away, I started wearing exclusively colourful clothes. I associated dark colours with mourning—and my grandfather had hated my past emo style. This change was the beginning of my obsession with eccentric fashion and Shop Velanidi is a tribute to my grandfather’s creative spirit—he would collect acorns and turn them into charms to give to me and my brother. “Velanidi” is actually Greek for “acorn.” I know my grandfather would be very proud to see the earrings I make now, and the support they’ve gained. People all around the world send me messages about how they make them feel confident, and how they’ve made friends with people that compliment them. Building a community and connecting with different people is central to my brand, and being able to create wearable art that brings people together is my ultimate goal.

I often ask my family if they ever envisioned me being the owner of my own art-based small business, to which they respond “…actually, yes.” I think they mean that they always foresaw me doing something creative in my career, but even I can’t say I envisioned my career being selling silly little food earrings online, especially not when the pandemic hit.


Graduating from university with a Bachelor of Design would have been daunting enough as it was, never mind the fact that I would have had to find my way in an industry that still hasn’t fully addressed its own outdated and exclusionary practices. Graduating in the middle of a pandemic was downright scary. I thought, “who cares about pretty pictures when people are getting sick and businesses are closing down?” I had no direction or plan, no matter how many lists and mind maps I made in my journal. That’s when I started to play with polymer clay as a way to pass the time and release some creative energy. Thankfully I discovered whilst navigating lockdown that, despite my anxieties, the arts had become more important than ever to everyone’s mental wellbeing and for connecting with others. So I focused all of my energy into Shop Velanidi (mainly anxious energy, but it was an effective distraction nonetheless). And the rest is history!


The biggest piece of advice I can give anyone wanting to start a small business is to have patience and confidence. Soon after starting Shop Velanidi, I created an Instagram and TikTok page for the shop, and began posting, sharing, and experimenting. I had no idea how to make video content, and even now I hate taking product photos (despite both being essential when building a social media platform). It took a lot of trial and error, but I eventually defined my brand identity: primary colours, fruits, vibrant product photos, and earrings that any art teacher would wear. It was a slow process, but when I posted a video making my orange bag earrings on TikTok, it eventually went viral. However, even with this idea (which I always thought was pretty cool and unique) it took a while to gain any substantial attention.

There will be many frustrating obstacles, like battling the algorithm, the learning curve that comes with making content, and the ever-present imposter syndrome. You need to believe in yourself and your work, and eventually others will join the hype you’ve created for yourself. On top of making appealing content, it needs to be consistent! To this day I’m trying to avoid burnout, and developing my own schedule that includes breaks and self care. It is a long and uncertain journey, but I cannot express how rewarding it is. I have met so many incredible people through Velanidi, online and in person. There are customers that have growing collections of Velanidi pieces, and people that wear the earrings daily. I now have my earrings available in physical shops, have sold at local markets, and have had the pleasure of meeting my amazing supporters in real life.

Almost all of my knowledge of business and general art making has come from the Internet. I’ve watched countless YouTube tutorials, read blogs about clay, and asked other makers for advice. I believe in “community over competition,” and I think most business owners in my area believe the same. However, I do encourage you to support the maker that you’re asking for advice, whether it be buying their work, or interacting on social media. Barging into someone's DMs demanding advice without even a “hello” can feel as if you’re taking advantage of the artist (even if this is not your intention). Community means we should all help each other, but that does not mean that anyone “owes” you the knowledge and skills they’ve cultivated over many years.

I’m often asked how I managed the transition from making art for fun to making art as a main source of income, and if it has ruined the fun of it. Admittedly, I do get very stressed about the business, whether it be about shipping, customer service, or making enough product. It’s no longer something I do to unwind, and differentiating between work and relaxation time is difficult. However, I don’t MIND being stressed about the shop, because I love it so much. This is my absolute dream, but even a dream isn’t smooth sailing all the time!


As someone who identifies as part of the queer community, and whose customer base is mainly made up of it, the importance of this month is not lost upon me. It is important to me that people feel safe and welcomed when they stumble upon my shop, and I try to make it clear that it is an inclusive space, regardless of race, sexuality, identity, or ability.

Being able to dress and present yourself as openly queer is not safe or accessible for everyone, and should not be taken for granted. People of colour, especially Black trans women, face violence every day for dressing as their true selves; their contributions to queer history should not go unnoticed. Just because today it seems acceptable for some people to dress openly queer (or against the binary) and not face any repercussions, does not mean true liberation and freedom has been reached. I feel extremely privileged to be able to express myself as eccentrically as I do, and I am humbled that I can help provide resources for others to do the same.

For the month of June, I have created special pride produce bag earrings, with fruits corresponding to the colours of the rainbow. A portion of the proceeds from these earrings will be donated to Friends of Ruby, a local Toronto organization that provides free resources to LGBTQ2S+ youth.

I encourage you to seek out queer small businesses this month—and always— to show your support for the message of Pride!



Dina Baxevanakis is the owner and maker of Shop Velanidi, a Toronto-based handmade jewelry business. She is inspired by anything colourful, quirky, and cute, which is reflected in her playful earrings. When she is not creating tiny clay foods, she is listening to emo nostalgia music, watching pro wrestling, or snuggling with her bunny/studio assistant, Rocky.

Learn more about Dina and Shop Velanidi at and @shopvelanidi.

What To Think About When Building A Brand Identity Or Refreshing Your Current One
Business Growth
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What To Think About When Building A Brand Identity Or Refreshing Your Current One

Whether you’re in the early stages of developing your own brand, have built an established company, or are simply mapping out your dreams of small or big entrepreneurship, you’ll know there are a thousand different items that need to be considered and a lot of moving targets you’ve got to hit simultaneously.

In tandem with money and logistics, you’ve also got to think about the power you require to move things forward. Translation? Who are the right people in your camp that can help drive your vision into reality?

Learning takes a lifetime, and it comes through discovering new things, making mistakes, meeting new people, and asking tons of questions. Fortunately, we’re allowed to pivot, adapt and grow based on our learnings. It’s never too late to learn something new, and it’s never too late to unstick yourself from routines that no longer serve you.

Building a business (or even acclimating to one you’ve built) is like building an airplane while you’re flying. And while there are tons of guides on how to build a successful one, intuition, empathy, and a breadth and depth of knowledge about many different fields of work are all good foundational tools that you can’t necessarily pull from a step-by-step book.

My name is Dani Roche, and I am a self-taught (and then formally trained) graphic designer-turned-entrepreneur. I started young – I was 12 when I began learning the Adobe Creative Suite, and I was 16 when I opened my first business. The decision to start a business wasn’t really a decision at all; moreso, it was a fast-moving progression of a hobby. Because I never wrote a business plan and grew up with the idea that “creativity” or “the arts” would never translate into a successful career, it took many years for me to see myself as someone who could be a business owner. I didn’t think it was possible to possess both left and right brain thinking, and I certainly didn’t think I could do so and succeed.

Because I believe creativity and design is still undervalued in “the business world,” I’ve listed some considerations that might add to your knowledge bank and provide some guidance in hitting one of those perpetually moving targets.

1) A brand identity can’t just be aesthetically pleasing – it also must be strategic

I’m a graphic designer by trade, so I can happily share that a good brand identity is more than just a logo and typefaces. A brand identity is the way that a company visually communicates to an audience; therefore, visual assets are only a small part of a bigger picture. Design is strategic – it’s not just pushing around pixels and having a selection of brand assets that “do the job.” There is a preconceived notion that design (and designers) aren’t worth the investment,  especially in an automated world where new design tools are templated, drag-and-drop, and turnkeyed.

When you’re hiring someone to create a brand identity, look for someone who asks a lot of questions, tries to understand your business capabilities, target market, needs and is forward-looking. A designer with a solid portfolio is a plus, but you should invest in their ideas beyond just images for a better long-game approach.

2) License your typefaces!

Fonts are more than just the default tools that come pre-installed on your laptop. Fonts are crafted by designers, much like how photos are taken by photographers and drawings are created by illustrators! Consider the importance of licensing the fonts you use the same way you would pay to license stock photography (and not just pull them off Google so you can sell your products).

Fonts are spectacular tools and beautiful works of art with many different personalities. The fonts you use to tell your brand story are designed by someone, somewhere, and they should be treated with respect.

3) Accessible and universal design for all should be a standard

If you’re starting a new business or are thinking about refreshing your old one, chances are, building a website is top of mind. Because you might be in the early phase of your planning, consider doing your part by creating an accessible web experience.

The amount of accessibly designed websites is not reflective of the individuals out there living with disabilities – be they hearing or sight impairments or neurological disorders like epilepsy. Tools like colour contrast checkers and screen readers can be used to help your website better reflect the ADA Standards for Accessible Design. If you’re unsure of where to start, check the latter to learn more.

4) Not all “creative” roles can be done by the same person

Your company is rooted in the people part of the story. If you’re a small business owner looking to scale, consider investing in design and branding OR finding a network of freelancers who care to understand what your brand is trying to do or say.

These days, we often hear the term, “jack of all trades, master of none” being thrown around. While there’s nothing wrong with playing in different sandboxes and exploring and learning new tools, the expectation – as a business owner – shouldn’t be to categorize all “creative people” as the same. If you’re running the show, you must identify with how easy it is to be burnt out when you’re doing too many different things at once. Similarly, your team should be able to do the best work when they have focused goals and are committed to something they excel in. For example, someone who is a creative marketing strategist should not be the same person running all social media accounts on a day-to-day basis. Just because these roles are categorized under “marketing” doesn’t mean they possess all-encompassing skills that cover the various disciplines and expertise that fall under marketing.

5) Be flexible, and don’t get stuck

A brand identity should be flexible, and it should grow alongside you. Even the largest and most recognizable companies rebrand. No matter what scale you’re at, if you think your brand needs a refresh, don’t feel tied down by the saying “if it’s not broken, don’t fix it.” Consider what decisions will help you build a more sustainable future.


About the Author:

Dani Roche is a creative director and designer based in Toronto, Canada. A product of the internet age, she combines a multi-disciplinary design background with a drive for digital strategy to create thoughtful and engaging output that spans print, brand identity and holistic marketing campaigns. Her empathy, forward-looking and acute understanding of digital communities has garnered her a spot on the prestigious Forbes Under 30 List (Marketing & Advertising 2019), as well as recognition from Marketing Magazine as a leader in Canadian marketing and by Applied Arts Magazine as a design industry disruptor. Dani has also been profiled internationally by Vogue,, Coveteur, and Refinery29. She currently owns the design + marketing agency Kastor & Pollux and has worked on projects in the realms of fashion, tech, finance, and lifestyle.

Learn more about Dani at or on Instagram at @daniesque

What’s next for Fatso? Expanding their appetite and their business into the US.
Going Global
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What’s next for Fatso? Expanding their appetite and their business into the US.

It all started after a year and a half of being unemployed. Thirty-five years old, a Master’s degree, and no job prospects in sight. In 2013, I set out to make good on a promise I had made to myself after I got my political science degree — I wanted to work for an international organization somewhere far away and do some good with my life.

Well, life happens, doesn’t it? I had been job hunting for far too long and was close to throwing in the towel. I took a job trying to help franchise a local health food restaurant to pay the bills. Not my dream job but time was running out to make a move.

That’s where I found Fatso. We were selling it at the restaurant and the feedback from customers was incredible. Fatso, incredibly delicious peanut butter that was enriched with all sorts of good fats including MCT oil, coconut oil, chia and flax, was selling like hot cakes! The name was brilliant, the formulation was a solid concept, but the business owners were not doing it justice.

One day I got a call from a fellow retailer who knew how much I loved the brand. They told me that the business was going under, and this was my chance to rescue it. I snapped up the company (or at least the recipe, materials, list of suppliers, and the name) for the price of a used car. Fatso as we know it today was born, and I started the long uphill climb towards relaunching the brand.

Let me be clear, I had no idea what I was doing. I had no experience in business or peanut butter for that matter. All I knew was that this little peanut butter had legs and I had to make the best of it. Thankfully, I had a solid background in research owing to my graduate degree, so I set off to figure out how to build a business, starting with a Google search: “how to start a business.”

First off was the minutiae of business: the business licence, the insurance, the trademarking, and incorporation. Then I dug into the fun stuff: I reformulated the recipe for scalability with the help of a nutritionist, solidified a co-packer (making it myself was sticky business, to say the least), rebuilt the retail relationships, and launched a new and improved social media presence and website.

For the first two years I learned the ups and downs (there were many downs) of running this business. I demoed my product every weekend for two years straight, knowing that if I could just get this peanut butter in people’s mouths, they would buy it. I was right. The sales began to grow and with the sales came new listings from bigger retailers. Before I knew it, I had a viable and growing business, and I was able to look in my rear-view mirror knowing I had made the right move.

Today, Fatso is a national brand, and it’s still growing. We are in stores right across the country, including Whole Foods, Sobeys, and Loblaws. We now have two nut butter lines, including three peanut butters and three almond and seed butters. It has been 5 incredible years. We still have a lot of work to do in Canada, but now it is time to turn our attention to a new market, the United States.

The US market for a brand like mine is incredibly seductive. The market, the opportunity, and the stakes are enormous. The state of California alone is equivalent to the entire Canadian market. The money to be made in the US is truly what drives brands to reach across the border. Incredibly successful brands like RX Bar, Smart Sweets, and Skinny Pop have hammered the US market and achieved exits that land in the hundreds of millions. All you need is skyrocketing growth, unimaginable success, and no missteps, right? The thinking for many brands is, “if it can work in Canada, it can work in the US.” And, oh, how the mightily ambitious can fail.

The sheer size of the US market is the critical problem here. Supply chain demands can be crippling, massive POs with late payout dates can bankrupt you, and a single misstep, like an ingredient recall or packaging issue can blacklist you in an instant. Canadians continue to see the US market as just a bigger Canadian market. This is truly the first mistake Canadian brands will make. The Pacific Northwest is like another country compared with the likes of Texas. California simply can’t be compared to Pennsylvania, Illinois, or Idaho.  Each region must be approached with a unique eye for the market and an understanding of what will work and what won’t work. Has Fatso achieved this? Truthfully, that remains to be seen. What we do know is we cannot superimpose our “Canadian-ness” onto a market like Texas because that simply won’t translate.

However, if you can enter the US and do it well, with an eye to sustainable growth, then the wins are limitless. The ability to grow your brand in one of the biggest consumer markets on the planet offers the ability to fully realize your brand potential. Of course, revenue growth is top of mind, but it also offers the potential for new product development, interesting brand collaborations, and new sales channels.

The US offers a unique opportunity for not just Canadian brands, but brands from around the globe that put all their chips on the table to vie for a spot on their shelves. The US market drives consumer trends, demands, and insights. We continually look to the US for innovation, particularly in the CPG food space, to see what the next big thing is going to be and what is going to drive the future. This is why brands with big ambitions want to test their metal in such a risky market. If you can make it in the US, your work is essentially done. The payoff is huge, the potential is real, and the sense of validation of ‘having made it’ can be found on the shelves in the US.

So, what is next for Fatso? We are among the ambitious, the bold and the risk-takers. However, we are keenly aware that we must take a sustainable approach. Fatso has started with the region that feels most like home: the Pacific Northwest. We understand this market. As a British Columbia- based brand, these are our people! In many ways we understand people from Seattle and Portland better than we do people from Toronto. Our strategy is to start on the west coast and expand from there. The California market certainly puts stars in our eyes, but we aim to grow as sustainably as possible.

We’ve always tried to practice the principle of “Inch-Wide, Mile Deep” — saturate each market before moving on to the next. We can try to practice this principle in theory, but the US market has a way of taking you on a bit of a roller coaster ride. One minute you’re in Whole Foods in Washington state and the next you’re getting listings out of Texas. It can be difficult to reign back in.

We feel that Fatso is ready for a US expansion and that the US market is ready for us. Over the next three years, we hope to move our brand down the coast into California and into parts of the midwest. I don’t know if it leads us to a big exit or if we simply continue to grow as a lifestyle brand and keep it in the family. What I do know is that the journey will be full of excitement, both predicted and unpredicted. We will have missteps, but we will have huge wins too. The only way to find out what the temperature of the water is to dip your toe in.


About the Author

Jill Van Gyn founded Fatso in 2016. She ran the business for a full 2 years as a solo entrepreneur before building her team in 2018. Today, Fatso is a nationally recognized Canadian brand that has expanded into the US through retail and e-commerce. In 2020, Fatso made the Maclean’s and Canadian Business Growth 500 List and in 2021 Jill was Business BC's Entrepreneurial Lead winner. Jill runs her business from the family farm in the Blenkinsop Valley where she lives with her husband, Chris, and 2-year old son, Remy. She is a passionate advocate for a range of social justice issues and aims to use her business as a platform for change.

Learn more about Jill Van Gyn at or on Instagram at @eatfatso

Why Your Voice Matters in Your Business and Your Brand
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Why Your Voice Matters in Your Business and Your Brand

I’ve been running my business and brand as a speaker and coach for the past 8 years. In the beginning, I thought I needed an agent or speaker’s bureau to help me get started and get my name out into the world. I didn’t have any of that, so instead I used something I was born with — my voice.

I pitched a television show, and ended up being on air for six seasons. From there, I started to deliver more talks and used my voice to show up on social media. I began telling event organizers that I was what their events needed. The more I networked and spoke, the more people were introduced to me and the more opportunities came my way.

In 2015, I was invited to host a TEDx event in Toronto. I was excited for the huge opportunity and proud that my voice had taken me there. As we were preparing for the event, I was told the TEDx organizers needed to review my pre-written introductions. This request came from their public speaking coach (which I didn’t even know was a thing at the time) and I told her flat out: “No.”

I explained that my style is to speak in real time, from the heart. She told me that wasn’t how TEDx worked, and that they needed to see my content ahead of time. Instead of changing my style and approach for this event, I explained that it wouldn’t feel like me if it was scripted and prescribed. I showed her videos of my television show and other talks I had given — none of which had a script. She was so surprised to find out I had been winging it in everything I showed her. I was allowed to proceed without pre-written introductions and at the end of the event the speaking coach gave me her card and said: “This isn’t for you — this is for somebody who needs it. Pass it on to someone else.”

I trusted my voice and my ability to speak on the fly — which enabled me to be fully present and in the moment as TEDx’s host that day. Two years later, I became a speaking coach.

Your voice is the secret sauce of your business strategy. You use it to introduce yourself, reassure yourself, ask for what you need and negotiate. The beautiful thing about your voice is that it’s a renewable resource — you don’t have to buy a monthly subscription or a license or pay a fee — it’s yours. And the more you use it, the better it gets.

These are five of my favourite affirmations to help me feel more confident. When you feel stuck or scared to use your voice, I encourage you to take a couple minutes to say these words. Put your hand on your chest and say each out loud with confidence and conviction:

1. Every time I open my mouth I’m improving

This one is dedicated to the perfectionists out there who think that the first time they deliver their elevator pitch, introduce themselves or make a sizzle reel, that it’s going to come out perfectly the first time. Breaking news: it’s not always going to happen. Don’t focus on perfection, focus on growth. Every time you talk about your business, your ideas, or your brand, you’re getting better. And with every opportunity, you’ll be more connected and learn to trust yourself more. Allow yourself room to grow each and every time you open your mouth to speak.

2. My story is worth sharing

We’re not all tech CEOs with a heart-wrenching story about starting on the streets, surviving only on Goldfish crackers, and overcoming many obstacles to make millions. Your story is your story. You don’t have to go through something monumental or fight a dragon along the way for folks to find your story compelling. There is value in your story, people will resonate with it, and it is worth sharing.

3. Can I wing this? Yes I can!

This one is especially for the people who think they need to write everything down or memorize every single word they want to say. You can wing it. Your audience does not know what you’re going to say. You are there to talk about you, your ideas and your brand. They are ready to hear what you have to say and receive it. The more you improvise or wing your talks, the better you’ll get. Show yourself that you trust your ideas and your ability to share them in real time. (Because every time you open your mouth you’re improving, right?)

4. I have the ability to captivate any audience

I don’t care who is in the room, what their title is, how much money they make or how many social media followers they have — you can wow anybody. And whether it’s the first year or the fifteenth year of your business, your energy, your presence and your story plays a role in how you impact others. You have the ability to captivate any audience just by being you.

5. No one will hear me unless I open my mouth

If you’re not talking about your ideas, introducing yourself or telling people why they should support your business, no one is going to hear you. People are not mind readers — they need to know about you, your brand or your business in order to seek you out. Now is the time to start using your voice.

Eight years after starting my business, I still don’t have an agent and I’m not part of a speaker’s bureau. My voice has been the number one thing that has given me opportunities, opened doors, and put me on stages I never thought I’d be on. Your voice can do the same for you. Utilize that free resource that you were given, and believe in the power of your voice.


About the Author

Jahmeelah “Jam” Gamble is an award winning media personality, sought out keynote speaker, and CEO behind “Slay The Mic”, a program that helps aspiring speakers, content creators, and entrepreneurs transform their voice.

Learn more about Jam at or on Instagram at @iamjamgamble

Empowered Workforces Empower your Business
Business Growth
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Empowered Workforces Empower your Business

As a life coach, much of my time is spent discussing my clients personal goals. For many entrepreneurs, levelling up a business is a very important goal. Inevitably our conversations turn to scaling, marketing, and advertising – and why not? These are all integral pillars of any thriving business. However, the list is missing an important line item: the human element. I’m talking, of course, about personal goals.

In the current climate, employees are empowered to make decisions about who they choose to work for. Thus, fostering a comfortable and welcoming work environment is crucial for realizing the long-term successes that may come from a consistent, motivated workforce. All businesses are relational, and I strongly suggest that once you’ve combed through your KPIs, CTRs, follows, and email campaigns—once you’re confident in your relationship with your customers—you ask yourself, “how is my relationship with my employees?”

A great place to start when it comes to taking the temperature of your company’s culture are with these four questions:

1) How well do you retain employees?

In today’s labour market, approximately 69% of workers are passively looking for a new job. This means it is incredibly important to not take your employees for granted. It’s crucial to ensure you’re giving everyone a good reason to stay. Once you’ve hired your ideal candidate for any given job, how do you make them want to stay for the long haul? Do you offer trust and responsibility? Respect? Profit sharing? Recognition? Benefits? Time off? Do you offer clear paths to advancement, along with frequent appreciation? Are your long-term team members being promoted? These are all great ways to keep your team motivated, and hand them the schematics for shared success. Once you’ve implemented some of these strategies (if you aren’t already using them), pacing work, checking in with employees you know have experienced increased workflow, and taking pulse surveys are all ways to see how these efforts are paying off.

2) How do you address feelings of burnout?

Every business environment has its moments of stress and burnout. For example, the Holiday season is always going to be overwhelming for retail workers, no matter how well prepared they may be. Similarly, Valentine’s Day will always be a chaotic weekend in the restaurant industry. A simple question to ask yourself is, “What systems do I have in place to address burnout?” Fostering trust in the workplace, and giving your employees a trustworthy place to put their concerns, can greatly expedite recovery. Do you have a feedback system in place? When workers speak out, do they feel supported? Do you have supports in place to reach out when someone falls behind? A little bit of checking in can go a long way toward keeping burnout in check.

3) Is there diverse representation at all levels of your company?

Today’s employees want to feel included, seen, and heard. Fostering diversity and inclusivity at all levels of your business should be a driving force at the forefront of your company’s growth strategy. If employees don’t see themselves at higher levels, they may decide not to stick around. Plus, companies with better representation throughout their corporate structure enjoy better overall performance.

  • 67% of job seekers consider workplace diversity an important factor when considering employment opportunities, and more than 50% of current employees want their workplace to do more to increase diversity.1
  • 78% of employees who responded to a Harvard Business Review (HBR) study said they work at organizations that lack diversity in leadership positions.2
  • Higher representation of women in C-suite level positions results in 34% greater returns to shareholders.3

If your company doesn’t yet have a clear mission statement around Diversity and Inclusion, it’s time to make it a priority. Make sure you’re addressing employee resource gaps and always work to foster a safe, trusting environment where employees feel heard.

4) Do your employees have a good work life balance?

Have you heard the term “work-life balance” a zillion times this past year? Yup. Me too. BUT, it’s necessary that we talk about it. Not only does too much work without any play and rest lead to burnout (remember question #2?), but it’s a key driver in employees actively looking for another job.

As a leader, it’s important that you book one-on-one time with employees to have meaningful check-ins about how they’re doing—not just how their work is coming along, but how they are, outside of work. Fostering a sense of belonging through creative benefits (an afternoon watercolour lesson in the office, or an outing to see a sports game) and work retreats can help to balance out particularly busy weeks and create space for fun and relaxation.

The right questions get the best results

Employee appreciation and retention is an ongoing endeavour, and it isn’t always easy to square your employees’ needs with the immediate needs of your company. However, a little bit of investment in workforce retention will pay dividends in the long run as your employees start to feel ownership over your goals. If you keep the four questions I’ve outlined above in mind, then you’re off to a great start. This just might be the beginning of a beautiful, and lucrative, friendship.


About Raia “Coach” Carey:

As a 3x Certified Life Coach, motivational speaker and a trusted DHL wellness partner, I'm passionate about encouraging others to tap into the confidence they never knew they had. After overcoming various hardships professionally and personally, I was able to transform my mindset and begin a career that empowers others to do the same. By openly sharing my triumphs and tribulations, my vulnerability helps foster a welcoming and safe environment in every room I enter and every person and business I speak to. I strive to inspire and lead those around me by providing unwavering support, guidance, and motivation. By equipping you with tangible tools to implement in your daily life immediately - both personally and professionally - I will steer you towards self-awareness, resilience, and sustainable success.

Learn more about Coach Carey at or on Instagram at @coach.carey



Sustainable Business Solutions: How To Achieve Eco-Friendly E-Commerce
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Sustainable Business Solutions: How To Achieve Eco-Friendly E-Commerce

The importance of sustainable solutions in e-commerce

In an era where environmental considerations are becoming increasingly prominent, the importance of sustainable solutions in e-commerce cannot be overstated. With the global boom in e-commerce, businesses now more than ever have the responsibility to minimise their environmental impact. A sustainable approach is not merely a nice-to-have but a critical business imperative.

Sustainable solutions contribute significantly towards environmental sustainability, a major global concern. For instance, practising sustainable shipping methods reduces the amount of carbon emissions and safeguards the environment in the midst of climate change. In addition, encouraging the use of eco-friendly packaging made of biodegradable and recyclable materials means that its lifespan is extended, which reduces the demand for new resources and helps in waste management.Furthermore, consumers are becoming more eco-conscious and favour businesses that align with their values. An eco-friendly business can enhance its brand image and loyalty among customers, thus driving customer acquisition and retention.With overseas shipping becoming more prevalent due to globalisation, the implementation of sustainable practices in e-commerce has a far-reaching global impact. By adopting sustainable solutions in every step, from product sourcing to packaging and shipping, businesses can significantly reduce their environmental footprint. Embracing sustainability in e-commerce: Practical tips for businesses

Adopting sustainable solutions in e-commerce offers businesses a strategic advantage in today's competitive market, serving as a key differentiator that not only benefits the environment but also resonates with consumers and drives business success.

1. Selling environmentally-friendly products

A key aspect of sustainability in e-commerce lies in the products themselves. Opting to sell eco-friendly products demonstrates a commitment to sustainable practices. Whether it's organic clothing, locally sourced items, or products made from recycled materials, promoting green products not only benefits the environment but also appeals to the growing market of conscious consumers.

2. Preventing customer returns

A less apparent yet significant source of environmental impact in e-commerce is customer returns. Returned items often require additional packaging and international shipping, contributing to increased carbon emissions and wastage. By providing accurate product descriptions, high-quality photographs, and detailed sizing guides, businesses can minimise returns, thereby reducing their environmental impact.

3. Sustainable packaging

Switching to sustainable packaging can dramatically reduce a business's carbon footprint. Prioritise biodegradable or recyclable materials for your product packaging. Transitioning to eco-friendly packaging, whether through cardboard boxes, paper stuffing, or cornstarch peanuts, is a significant stride towards achieving eco-friendly e-commerce. Remember, your commitment to the environment does not stop with the products you sell but extends to every aspect of your business operation.

4. Partnering with a sustainable shipping partner

Choosing a logistics partner committed to environmental sustainability is another pivotal step. At DHL Express, we are dedicated to offering sustainable shipping methods. Our GoGreen initiative includes eco-friendly measures such as optimising delivery routes for reduced fuel consumption and emissions, using electric vehicles where possible and expanding the use of sustainable aviation fuel. By partnering with DHL Express, your business can extend its green ethos to the last-mile delivery, significantly enhancing your brand's reputation.Achieve sustainability in e-commerce with DHL Express

By undertaking the journey towards sustainability in e-commerce, businesses can make a tangible impact on the environment, boost their brand image, and meet the growing consumer demand for responsible practices. It's a win-win situation that promotes both environmental stewardship and business growth.At DHL Express, we're here to help you navigate this transition, providing sustainable shipping solutions to help you reduce the environmental impact of your e-commerce operations, one parcel at a time.Your journey towards sustainability is also a journey towards a more prosperous future. By adopting eco-friendly business solutions, you're not only preserving the environment but also setting your business up for long-term success.

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